Most effective way to get a 6-pack and improve upper body

The key to getting a 6 pack is to reduce your body fat percentage to a point where your abdominal muscles can be seen. Everyone has abs, they're usually just hidden beneath a layer of subcutaneous fat. The most effective way to burn fat is to couple cardiovascular activities with a healthy diet. This "diet" does not mean severely reduced calorie intake or that you should eat only protein and no carbohydrates or anything like that. All you need to do is make simple healthy changes. Cut the soda, fried foods, sugary treats, and fast food. Substitute with lean beef or chicken, whole wheat breads, vegetables, fruits, and any other "clean" food you can think of. This change will speed up your metabolism allowing you to burn more fat. The basic formula for abs is a clean diet, cardio, and of course some exercises that specifically target your abdominals. Don't go overboard with the ab exercises though. Finally, don't expect from your body what it can't give you yet. At fifteen you've begun to hit a major growth stage. It is only the beginning though and as a male your muscle mass and potential won't peak until you are in your early to mid twenties. You can still get abs but they aren't going to look like those bodybuilders' in the magazines. You're going to have to wait a few years for that. With devotion and some hard work you can expect to see a harder more defined stomach in 3 to 6 months. Just relax and stay focused making sure to not get frustrated if it takes longer. Everyone is built differently. Some people might be able to get a six pack in a month and for others it may take a year. As far as improving upper body strength all I have to say is push ups, push ups, and more push ups. Once you can move your body weight easily, hit the bench press and add some pull ups into the routine. Good luck in your quest for the six pack!

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