FAQ About Stomach Exercises

Should I do lots of situps to reduce fat around my middle?

No. Exercising the area from which you want to lose fat is called "spot toning" or "spot reduction". Spot toning is a myth. Research shows that fat is lost all over your body, not just in the area that you work. Situps are also bad for your lower back.

So how DO I reduce the fat covering my middle?

To lose fat in your stomach area you need to do aerobic exercises and eat healthy

Why sit ups are NOT recommended?

Sit ups are bad for your back. The action of sitting up, puts unnessesary stress on your spine and grinds the vertebrae in your lower back. Also sit ups are inefficientt at exercising your ab muscles.

How do I exercise the abs correctly?

The function of the ab muscles is to shorten the distance between your sternum (breast bone) and your pelvis by bending you body forward. Any exercise which makes you move your sternum toward your pelvis or your pelvis toward your sternum is good. There are many abdominal exercises that work your abs.

Should I buy the [Insert name] exercise machine/contraption?

There is a lot of exercise equipment on the market today. You have seen the comercials, they are all promising great results. The truth is, most exercise machines are not much better than doing the basic exercises and many of them are significantly worse.

What are the best stomach exercises?

For this info read our before published posts related to best stomach exercises.

How much water should I be drinking each day?

This depends on your personal bodyweight and how frequently you are working out as well as the climate you are living in. Generally 6-8 cups a day should help you stay hydrated and also help you eat less. Dehydration has been known to make you feel hungry, when in reality you just want some extra water.

How many pounds is healthy to lose in a week?

A healthy everage is between 1-2.5 pounds a week.

How should I plan my meals?

One way is to start a meal journal and record the foods you eat for a couple of weeks. From here, by introducing small changes to your diet, you can create a diet plan includes diverse foods from all the major food groups, while still keeping the total calories in the wanted range.

How about my lower back?

When doing abs exercises you should also work on your lower back muscles for a better looking balanced posture and to prevent lower back pains and injury.

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