For most people getting a six pack is a hard task. But it's not an impossible one, all it takes is decision, commitment and some guidelines.
If you are tired of not seeing your six pack beneath all that fat and if you are truly committed to do what it takes to get a six pack the following guide will help you get started on your way to great looking abs.
Eat healthy
This is the most important point so I would like to start with it. You already have a six pack, only it is hidden beneath that fat layer. To get rid of that fat you will need to look at your diet and see what changes are necessary.
You might need to reduce the number of junk food you eating or eat 5-6 smaller meals a day.
Let me emphasize this point once more, this is the single most important change you should make if you want to get a six pack.
Cardio exercise
Start running, swimming, biking, playing basket ball, even walking will help you feel great and burn calories as you go. Anything that gets you moving and gets your heart rate up is great for burn those calories and getting you one step closer to those six pack abs, so choose an activity you enjoy and do it regularly.
If running is hard for you, you can start by walking at a fast pace for 40 minutes 4-5 times a week this is great for your overall health and will do wonders for your abs.
Abdominal Exercises
This point is last for a simple reason, no matter how many stomach exercises you will do, on their own, they will not give you a six pack. Abs exercises are great for your stomach muscles, but they do very little to burn fat. And you need to get rid of the fat layer that is covering your stomach or you will get great ab muscles but you won't see them. No one will.
So once again, you cannot crunch your way to a six pack without adjusting your diet and adding cardio exercises to your daily routine, to burn calories and eventually the fat from your stomach.
To summarize to get a six pack you will need :
- Decision and commitment.
- Examine your eating habits.
- Burn that fat with cardio exercises.
- Sculpt and tone your ab muscles with abdominal exercises.
One more note about commitment, this is the point where most fail. You need to really want to get a six pack, decide you are not going to quit until you get there and you will.
Don't get disappointed if you don't see results over night. Give it a try for three month, don't quit no matter what. The results you will see after those three month will prove to you this works, they will motivate you and you will see that you can get a six pack too. So make that decision now.
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