There are many myths about stomach exercises and exercising in general. Here are the most common ones.
Stomach Exercise Myth I - The Spot toning myth
One very common myth about exercises and weight loss is the spot toning myth. Spot toning means doing exercises that work a single part of your body in an attempt to lose fat in that particular part.
You can not lose fat in a particular part of your body by training that part alone. It doesnt work that way.
If you would like to lose fat in a single section of your body you will need to burn all over your body. You can do crunches all day long and they will make your stomach muscles bigger and more toned but they will do very little to get rid of the fat layer thats covering them.
It takes a combination of cardio exercises and healthy eating habits to increase your metobolism and burn more calories then you consume to get rid of that fat layer.
Stomach Exercise Myth II - Eat all you want and exercise it of myth
Some poeple think they can eat all they want and later do some crunches to burn all the calories they ate through the day. It doesnt work that way. You will train your muscles but your fat will not go away. For example in the stomach area you can have beutiful abs by no one, including you, will be able to see them if you will not lower your overall calorie intake.
You will need to change your diet, eat healthier variants of the food you are used to eating and eat more often. Then you will be able to see the results of your exercises.
Stomach Exercise Myth III - The correct way to exercise your abs
For many people the idea of a stomach workout is doing 200 super fast crunches in a row and getting over with it. This is not the best way to train your abs.
Slower controled crunches are much more effective. And 3 sets of 25 quality crunches will give you alot more benefit then 200 or 300 crunches done the wrong way.
Stomach Exercise Myth IV - If you don't lose weight there's no point in exercising
Some people start exercising to get rid of fat in one area or to lose some weight in general. The problem comes if they dont see results right away. They stop exercising thinking there is no point. They ignore the fact that it can take some time before you start seeing results, but more importantly they ignore all the benefits of regular exercises besides weight loss.
Exercises lower risk of disease
Exercising regularly improves the ability of insulin to enter cells, so it lowers the risk of diabetes. It also lowers the risk of heart disease by improving blood clotting mechanisms, lowering triglycerides, and raising HDL (good) cholesterol.
Exercises improve quality of life
Exercising helps you feel better throughout the day, exercise improves sleep in people with modest sleep dysfunction. Exercising helps relieve both depression and anxiety.
Stomach Exercise Myth V - Strength training will make women too muscular
Many women are afraid that strength training will make them bulky. They think strength training is only for men. This is not true. For women it is harder to build muscle mass because of lower testosterone levels. And to look like a body builder a woman will need to take special suplements and steroids.
It is benefitial for women to do strenth training exercises because women naturally have less bone and muscle than men, so they need to take care of what they've got. That's why women are at greater risk of osteoporosis than men. And lost muscle puts women at greater risk of disability as they age.
Stomach Exercise Myth VI - Weight gain is inevitable as you age
Most people get fatter as they get older. It doesnt have to be this way.
The reasons for gaining weight with age are reduced physical activity levels and lower metabolic rate caused by a loss of lean body mass (muscle).
You can reverse this process with simple exercises. When we get older our metobolism slows and our body burns less calories during normal activity. Exercising makes you burn more calories.
The loss of muscle is also reversable by exercising as little as 30 minutes a day three times a week.